Unlimited connectivity for real time 360 degree business visibility
We integrate Salesforce with SAP 9.3 & 10 SQL, SAP HANA, SAP Business One for a 360 degree visibility across all business areas.
- Accounts, balance
- Products, stock by warehouse
- Pricebooks
- Quotes
- Orders
Through SAP Service Layer and Salesforce APIs
Take productivity to a new level through analytics, process automation and AI.
Integrate Google’s products suite with Salesforce to potentialize office productivity.
- Google Suite
- Google Adwords
- Google Analytics
- Google Cloud APPs
Enhance productivity and collaboration through hundred of AWS service integrations with Salesforce to create smart business solutions.
- Omnichannel contact center
- Corporate APPs
- IoT integrations
- AI based solutions
Extiende el acceso a toda la cadena de valor mediante la integración de Salesforce con sistemas externos.
- APPs Android / IOS
- Redes sociales
- Zoom
- Zappier
- ERPs y sistemas web
- Servicios de facturación
Take your project to a
new level with us
new level with us